Création site responsive

What's the responsive?

You've heard the term, but you do not know exactly what it is. All sites talk about "responsive" by it, "responsive" by then. We will deepen what the responsive in this article!

The responsive is relatively new in the world of web and has been democratized with the arrival of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. More and more people are using these devices to browse the Internet.

You've probably been to a site where you have been forced to zoom with your fingers to read the information, and after zooming, you were forced to "scroll" in every way ... It never ends ... you can say goodbye to this problem with responsive!

responsive allows your website to automatically adapt to any format. Using this technique, the content of your site adapts to mobile devices and enables it to offer a smooth ride and a professional look on all media.

création de site web

Themes 100% responsive

Visualize your website on your smartphone on the subway, or on your tablet for an appointment: Webgenie features themed responsifs 100%, you have nothing to do, all our themes automatically adapt to mobile devices without you having to reach into the code!

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