Créer un site web rapidement

How to position your images on your site

Studies show that we retain 50 times faster than a text image! A relevant image is 50 times more powerful in terms of communication than text. Some social networks such as Pinterest, Instagram or Tumblr understood this principle. Their popularity and reputation continues to grow.

Quality First

The image quality is paramount for a professional look to your website. It is advisable to promote the professional images from images taken yourself. We offer over 3000 Webgenie free image but you can also find on dozens of quality sites. These are high resolution images you can use without restrictions.

The image alignment

It is important that your images are perfectly aligned and of the same size if you plan to create a layout with multiple columns of images. A layout of site with images of different sizes illness disorders your structure and makes your site less enjoyable to watch. Also, your site will be more complicated to read and has a less professional appearance.

créer un site

Be original!

Your site must have character, a unique face and personality. It is important that there is a message behind a picture. The joy, enthusiasm, ambition, etc. Your images must be correlated with your business.

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