Published on 30/11/-0001
Why create a website for the event? An event in the same way that a business needs to communicate to come forward. For example, it must keep its members informed of news, inform any last minute changes, ask for contributions, etc. In parallel, an event must also have visibility to outsiders to recruit new members or make calls for donations. A simple solution to make its event to a maximum of person is to create a website. The website of your event can publicize your event and highlight its specificities. Feel free to post pictures, email address and a phone number where you can be reached for more 39; information about your event, the cost of 39; entrance and course presentation. Our...
Published on 30/11/-0001
L 39; email may well be the 39; the oldest online communication tool, n 39; nonetheless the most interesting to market your website with your prospects. Indeed, the 39; email remains aujourd 39; hui s 39; the most effective tool: it is very convenient because it allows to reach thousands of people in seconds. With an effective email, it is also possible to promote the launch of 39; a product or make a promotional campaign with your customers! The first step to start a mailing campaign is 39; have a good database of 39; emails. The best way to get emails is setting up your site an offer to subscribe to a newsletter (newsletter) or 39; registration for a service. It is imperative...
Published on 30/11/-0001
At an age when websites need to be responsifs (that is to say, they must adapt to smartphones and tablets), the pages of the sites s 39; longer. Today 39; hui, the scrolling (the 39; use of 39; a lift or the mouse wheel) became trend. More and more 39; companies are opting for themes "one page" site in a single page. This type of themes is very popular because navigation is very simple and most compact content. L 39; idea behind the long scrolling is closer to 39; a mobile format so that 39; there is very little difference between different formats and to avoid confusion. Today 39; hui is the big trend in the images that evoke a memory, an emotion. These images are often abstract...
Published on 30/11/-0001
Looking to create a website or just to develop to boost your sales of products and services? Decrypt the stepper business levers offered today to develop your digital sales ... The B.A.BA is actually to have taken the step to become visible on the Internet. For this, the platforms as Webgenie greatly facilitate life today. Not true ? With a few clicks, you can have visibility on the Internet and start attracting new potential customers. Finally that's the theory ... In fact, just having a website is the foundation of your home. It will then go up the walls and roof. You follow me ? Once you create your website (preferably with a strategically chosen domain name as for...
Published on 30/11/-0001
Social networks are becoming increasingly important in our daily uses. The first social network Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg there are already twelve, he now has 1.55 billion active users worldwide, including 30 million in France. The American social network is not the only one to raise the popularity of Internet, social networks of all types continue to grow worldwide. With the explosion of the use of social networks, the corporate world has also paid close attention to this phenomenon are seeing the opportunity to reach a certain closeness with his audience, but also to promote, develop and control its image evoking transparency and dialogue. It is no longer a secret, social networks...
Published on 30/11/-0001
With over 2 billion Internet users worldwide, it is now essential for a company to have one or more sites showcase its activity. So good visibility with a strong presence on social networks and search engines became mandatory for any company wishing to further develop its customer base and loyalty (or expand its contacts), but also ensure him a guarantee of quality. Indeed, a SEO optimized via SEO in particular, will make it easier consumer access to the information and provide it the credibility of this company which moreover do not hesitate to invest to better serve. Finally, good visibility on the web will provide excellent publicity by opening the company's doors to a vast community without...
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