Improve its position in Google results is complicated. One of the main levers to get in the top positions and to have a site alive. To do some easy tips to put up with Webgenie. For all these points, we use the articles and lists of items Webgenie. Remember that you can store your items by categories (blog, video, testimonials ...).
A specialist web agency SEO can also help.
Create a blog page is very nice way to present your business or your company.
For this to be effective, it must publish at least 2 articles per week . As it is not always easy to motivate yourself every day to create new articles on Webgenie, you can create a dozen articles at once and publish gradually changing their publication date .
Feel free to incorporate the keywords you are targeting in your articles.
Of course, as for pages, do not forget to fill in the title tags and description of the page and the alt image (go to the "SEO" in your account to easily fill these tags.)
Ask your customers to provide you with a small token. Each witness will prove to your future customers your serious.
Moreover it makes regular content to a save on your site . And who said content, said better position in Google's results. To make it more visible your testimonials, view the last three testimonials on your homepage. Thanks to the "list items" module you can display automatically column last three testimonies like the home of
With today's smartphones, it is very easy to create and publish video on YouTube. With our "Video" module you can easily embed your videos on your website.
For manual trades such as masonry, woodworking ... It is recommended that short video tutorials on tips and techniques for your business . Do not forget to include the link to your site in the video description.
Create a page with video whenever a description of a dozen lines of your video. As for the testimony, you can bring up the past three or four videos on your home page.
To create an article, click on the "My products" on the top left and click the button "Add product". You can also create a category by clicking on the "Add Category".
To create a list of items, click the button "Add Item" to the desired location and select the module "list items". Click on the list to change the display options (with or without images, number of character ...).
Difficulties ? Remember that you can go through a web agency to improve your SEO.
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