Thèmes de nos sites web

The new design trends

increasingly long pages

At an age when websites need to be responsifs (that is to say, they must adapt to smartphones and tablets), site pages are growing. today, the scrolling (using a lift or the mouse wheel) became trend. More and more companies are opting for themes "one page" site in a single page. This type of themes is very popular because navigation is very simple and most compact content. The idea behind the long scrolling is to approximate a mobile format so that there is very little difference between different formats and to avoid confusion.

Flashy and metaphorical images

Today is the big trend in the images that evoke a memory, an emotion. These images are often abstract but rather rajoutent lot of life to your site. With some subtle phrases, you are sure to attract the user's attention.

The video

While internet connections are becoming increasingly powerful, many sites are using video as a communication medium. Videos can be in the background or in a well placed inset (often at the beginning of the page). The videos are very popular because they are very dynamic and communicative. The video is one of the best ways to convey a message.

modern typography and elegant style of

The Websites modernize. It is the same for fonts. Today, there are more and more adapted to web fonts. It is easy to get nice fonts for free. Fonts "Google fonts", for example, offer a comprehensive selection of aesthetic and right fonts for the web.

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