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Good practices of emailing

The email may well be the oldest online communication tool, it remains the most interesting to market your website with your prospects. In fact, the mail remains today the most effective tool: it is very convenient because it allows to reach thousands of people in seconds. With an effective email, it is also possible to promote the launch of a product or make a promotional campaign with your customers!

Get emails

The first step to start a mailing campaign is to have a good base of email data. The best way to get emails is setting up your site an offer to subscribe to a newsletter (newsletter), or registration with a service.

The structure of your email

It is imperative that your email is the right format. The average size of an email is 600 pixels wide. The height has no limit, but it is advisable to stay on a reasonable size because too much information can be cons-productive and ignore your customers. It is important that the most important information is at the top of your email. The size of the "header" (the part at the top) of your email should not be too large so that it is within the standard screen format. Do not forget to add a button "call to action". The "call to action" are kind of buttons: "Buy Now" or "Get offer" that often appear below promotional content.

création de site marketing

The subject of the email

The subject of your email is one of the most important elements. The subject of the email is the first thing your customers will see by opening their mailbox. It must be incisive and captivating. Your client must know what your talking about email just by looking at the subject of the email. Some words attract customers, such as "free", "win" or "surprise". That said, these words must be used sparingly so as not to pass for spam.

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